Definition of Dinner table

1. Noun. The dining table where dinner is served and eaten.

Generic synonyms: Board, Dining Table
Terms within: Leaf

Definition of Dinner table

1. Noun. A table on which dinner (or other food) is served and eaten. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Dinner Table

dinner jacket
dinner jackets
dinner ladies
dinner lady
dinner napkin
dinner pad
dinner pail
dinner parties
dinner party
dinner plate
dinner plates
dinner service
dinner set
dinner shirt
dinner shirts
dinner table
dinner tables
dinner theater
dinner theatre
dinner time
dinner times

Literary usage of Dinner table

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. English Hunger and Industrial Disorders: A Study of Social Conflict During by Walter James Shelton (1922)
"... AT THE DINNER-TABLE I SAT at dinner in my prime, And glimpsed my face in the sideboard-glass, And started as if I had seen a crime, And prayed the ..."

2. Works by Manuel Márquez Sterling, William Makepeace Thackeray, Leslie Stephen, Louise Stanage (1902)
"ON SOME OLD CUSTOMS OF THE DINNER-TABLE. F all the sciences which have made a progress in late years, I think, dear Bob (to return to the subject from which ..."

3. The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray by William Makepeace Thackeray, Sir Leslie Stephen (1898)
"ON SOME OLD CUSTOMS OF THE DINNER-TABLE OF all the sciences which have made a progress in late years, I think, dear Bob (to return to the subject from which ..."

4. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature by Anna Lorraine Guthrie, Marion A. Knight, H.W. Wilson Company, Estella E. Painter (1920)
"Messianic prophecy in Vergil's Fourth eclogue. Kind M 29:140-2. 191 F, Ар '17 What may a child learn at the dinner table? ..."

5. Samuel F.B. Morse: His Letters and Journals by Samuel Finley Breese Morse, Edward Lind Morse (1914)
"Dinner-table conversation. — Dr. Charles T. Jackson. — First conception of telegraph. — Sketch-book. — Idea of basic principle of telegraph of to-day. ..."

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